Cabinet d'architecture et d'Urbanisme Georges Heintz & Associés
Août 2022
4 251m² SHON
7 M. € H.T.
Restructuration du “bâtiment des célibataires” de la cité Rotterdam à Strasbourg.
Transformation de 99 studios en logements (1 pièce à 4 pièces) et locaux d’activité.
Réhabilitation et extension.
Mission complète.
Livraison en Août 2022.
We were renewing the last building of the cité Rotterdam where I am born and lived 14 years as primo habitant with very low budget when the city state decided to stop the in course process and demolish the 11 floors building with external coursives. The cité Rotterdam is part of the historical patrimony of social housing in France. It is the first time that the sentence “Grand ensemble” have been used because 900 apartments will have been build in one operation, feeturing industrial production in architecture with prefab concrete and high tech comfort like slab heating and through housing typologies with integrated cupboards and flat pass . Eugene Beaudoin Grand Prix de Rome won against Le Corbusier 3rd and André Lurçat 2nd with the concept “ build a cité around a parc “. I couldn’t afford to accept sutch a stupid décision, did a project on my own and went to convince promoters to still get money out of a social block and be aware with my teaching on circular economy and second life in architecture still experimented with the rock palast, the docks and some others adventures. Only one investor accepted after a 18 months struggle. For recognition the city decided to organize a competition… I won by miracle with the worst concept I’ve never invent with cynismus. The “ balnéaire Rhénan “ … a must now in Alsace. This hercule work took 40% of the budget to accord to new seismic and thermic rooles like the Docks. But : La beauté guérit.